While I was gone to Chicago for Spring Fling a few changes occurred in the garden that almost compensate for the long awaited weekend being gone in a flash. First off, the plums have begun to show color! I hold that one of the most scrumptious (to use one of my granddaughter's favorite words) things to eat straight from the garden is the first Santa Rosa plum of the year. Also the second, third and so forth until about the thirtieth at which point they just become tasty. So now I'll be on plum watch although with the cool weather we seem to be having this week it will be a while before I can have my
plum experience.
The first Shasta daisies opened while I was gone. This always seems to mean summer to me...once they have begun to bloom summer is not far behind.

And , lastly, several of the summer veggies have begun to flower including tomatoes, peppers and this Eight Ball squash. Spring Fling may be over but summer will soon provide compensation enough.
Have to say that plum pix is one of the prettiest I've seem.You are a good photographer.
Oh, yum, plums! And that squash bloom does look like summer to me, too. I'm growing Eight Ball squash, too, along with Cue Ball and One Ball.
Plums! They sound delicious~ Reminds me that peaches will be ready soon. Not in this garden, but at the farmers market. gail
I love plums. I'm so jealous that you are growing them. It was so fun to meet you at the Fling and run around all those gardens together.
Hmmm, wonder if you can ship some plums to me here on my corner of Katy?! And your picture of the Shasta daisy makes me want some ... I know they can be grown here. I came home to find several Corno di Toro peppers bedecking the plant. I'm looking forward to harvesting the first one!
Scrumptious is a good word for that plum. I can only imagine how wonderful they taste straight from the tree.
And what beautiful changes they are. Loved seeing you Leslie. The plums would taste so good. Thanks so much for the Lecojum. Did I spell that correctly?~~Dee
Thanks Patsy! Once in a while I get lucky!
Carol, between you and my BFF I saying/writing about them I had to try one!
Gail, peaches are a close second in my book and they will be ripening in my neighbor's yard soon...and she shares!
Diana, it really was fun wasn't it! I so enjoyed meeting you along with so many others I've only know online.
Be careful, Cindy, those Shastas like to spread. Wow, my peppers are just beginning to bloom...I have a long time to wait till I can pick one!
MMD...there is something incredibly luxurious about picking a plum, wiping it off and eating it within seconds. It is such a gift!
Hi Dee! Hope the rest of your vacation is going well! It was fun to meet you and share the leucojum. I was afraid some people were going to steal them!
Congrats on your impending plum harvest. The one in the photo is huuuuge. I haven't gotten into fruit trees ... yet .... I'm feeling jealous but glad to know they grow so well nearby at least!
Plums have never been on my list of favorite fruits, but after seeing your photo and reading what you wrote, I think I'll give them another try. When I was a kid, my mother would dip squash and pumpkins blossoms in egg (and who knows what else) and fry them.
I LOVE daisies and can't really grow them. But my neighbor has what amounts to a daisy farm. I am posting pictures of it soon.
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