Narcissus Erlicheer |
Rain prevented the taking of photographs today for the month that begins the fifth year of Garden Blogger Bloom Day. Yes, four years ago this month
Carol at May Dreams Gardens had the idea of garden bloggers world wide sharing what was in bloom in their garden. Possibly born out of a desire to see that there were blooms
somewhere as she looked out at her own snow covered garden, Bloom Day quickly gained a devoted following and continues to attract photos and lists from around the world with new gardeners joining in each month. Visit Carol and see for yourself!
Narcissus Avalanche |
This past weekend, however, I saw that rain forecast so on Saturday I took a few 'safety photos' just in case. The most exciting discovery for me was the first Erlicheer blooms along the front path. Continuing to bloom nearby are the cyclamen. I enjoy red cyclamen at Christmas and often buy a few for decorations. Afterward they go along the front path where in future years they prefer to bloom in January and February. Narcissus Avalanche is also beginning to bloom there along with a very few returning primroses...I really need to add to those.
Camellia Chandleri Elegans |
In the back garden the Camellia japonicas are beginning to bloom. Chandleri Elegans, an early to mid-season variety first bloomed over two weeks ago, while Jordan's Pride, a mid-season variety first bloomed this past weekend.
Camellia Jordan's Pride |
The leucojum aestivum which began blooming a few weeks ago in one or two spots are blooming in more areas now, although some won't bloom for weeks yet.
leucojum aestivum |
The Tuscan Blue rosemary which I have made into a small topiary is covered with blooms and has hosted a bee or two in the past few days. Not that I'm quick enough to get a good photo of that.
Rosemary Tuscan Blue |
If I had known it was really going to rain I might have taken a few more photos but for now a list of other bloomers will have to do. That includes Solanum jasminoides, Rosa Flower Girl, Rosa Demitasse, Lavandula pinnata buchii, Dwarf Carnation Evermore, Viburnum tinus Spring Bouquet, Prunus cerasifera Krauter Vesuvious, and pansies.
And one Butterfly Blue scabiosa!
Thank you Carol for your inspired idea!
P.S. A sunny moment just led me to run out to fill the bird feeder...and below I found this surprise! A little unknown narcissus that was a gift some years ago and has since multiplied...and bloomed just in time to be added here today!