Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Garden Blogger Bloom Day February 2017

What an amazingly different winter this has been! Or maybe its just what I would have considered a normal winter 6 or 7 years ago. Rain, rain, and more rain! Only part way through our rainy season and we are 4 inches ahead of our yearly average...and way ahead of what we have had the last few years. The California reservoirs are pretty much full and  thus far the failed dam crisis has been averted. My water saver cans (7 plastic garbage cans totaling 300 gallons) are already full of rain water. And the hillsides are green! In the garden blooms are everywhere...from the fringe flower, loropetalum chinense,  to the borage that hasn't stopped blooming for months.

The camellias have more blooms than they have for years which tells me that perhaps they like winter water. Haha.

Narcissi of all sorts from small... larger...



are coming into bloom.

This passalong grape scented iris has bloomed in various parts of the garden for a couple months. Not sure what the rush is this year but maybe the rain has it confused.

More appropriately, the summer snowflakes which were divided and spread around last year are also blooming in small clumps.

And the hellebores are happier than they have been in a while. is this gardener! 

For more blooms on this Garden Blogger Bloom Day visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens where she is kicking off the 11the year of hosting this fun event!