Spring is coming. Even with colder than usual temperatures hanging on (or should I say returning? We had a great February!) the plants will not be stopped from their usual routines.
Antirrhinum majus 'Chantilly Peach' has begun to bloom after hanging on through the winter. Although it is technically an annual it seems to have not minded this past winter and is ready to go again, although the one original plant gave up the ghost this winter. That one did so well I got several more and those are all doing nicely.
Loropetalum chinense 'Sizzling Pink' has been blooming for a couple months and is really covered in blooms now. I might need more, especially if I plant them where I can see them better from the house.
'Sugar Magnolia' purple snap pea is beautiful! And while the first few pods were disappointingly green and purple streaked the most recent are pure purple. I can't wait until those get a bit bigger and I can start picking them!
Camellia "Jordan's Pride' also has bloomed for a while...perhaps the cool weather has helped things persist longer than usual.
Leucojum aestivum is a wonderful passalong plant that has been transplanted around the garden and is now doing well in its new places. It is loving today's rain.
The pear tree is finally looking more like a true espalier and is blooming well. I am hoping for another dozen or so fruits this year. And I am hoping to be able to better figure out when to actually pick them...a tricky business.
The evergreen clematis 'Armandii' is still blooming this month and brightening the front arbor.
Gasteria lilliputana has the sweetest blooms. These are all in containers here. It multiplies well, if slowly, and has been added to several containers.
Verbena 'De La Mina' has settled in and is pretty happy this year. Its first year blooms were underwhelming but it is a good addition to the spring garden now.
Hiding under other things is this one grape hyacinth. Will there be more or have they all disappeared like I was thinking?
Yet another month with iris 'Eleanor Roosevelt' blooming. I am starting to think I need to thin these out before they take over the whole garden.
Anisodontea 'Strybing Beauty' is another plant that is doing really well in its second year here. The early pollinators have been loving it.
The first dutch iris of the year. I do love their form and ability to withstand spring winds.
And lastly, the first borage bloom.
Lots of signs of spring here and while this week and next are rainy I will not complain. All this rain here in the valley means snowpack in the mountains and that makes this Central California gardener happy. For more blooms visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens and follow the links there. Spring is coming!