Saturday, April 21, 2018

Garden Blogger Bloom Day April 2018

It is a cooler and damper than usual month here but the plants don't seem to mind. A little extra precipitation is appreciated by all. In particular the scented geraniums are blooming extra profusely... are the common pelargoniums.

In the maple tree bed Orthrosanthus multiflorus "Morning Flag" has come into its own after settling in for a little over a year. Last year's 3 bloom stalks between 2 plants have multiplied greatly and the blue is a nice addition to the yellow columbine.

This abutilon had much smaller flowers than most and has bloomed much of the winter. Too bad I can't find the tag...but the hummingbirds have found the plant and that is all that matters.

Cerinthe major is a plant I wanted after seeing it on Carol Klein's Life in a Cottage Garden. It has never been quite as spectacular as I hoped but it does reliably self sow and return every year here and there. Guess the central valley of California is a bit different than North Devon...

I do however had some pretty gasterias in bloom, here, gasteria liliputana. That probably isn't happening in North Devon.

Geums are just starting up, here a passalong from a friend.

The yellow columbine, originally a passalong, that has now spread gently everywhere has also just begun to bloom. 

This year the heucheras are especially happy, probably because the rain has been good.

I love this dutch favorite combination of blue and yellow and although I have planted many I seem to have only this one this year. Lots of plain blue but...I want more of these!

For more spring blooms visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens and follow the links!