Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Dancing Veggies???!

Here's what to do with an abundant harvest....
(be forewarned: the pa-pa-pa can stay with you!)


Carol Michel said...

Pa-pa-pa, you are right, funny stuff! Now I gotta do something to get the pa-pa-pa out of my head!

Annie in Austin said...

That was pretty cool, Leslie. I've seen fruit and vegetable-type costumes before, but these Italian peppers are so high fashion!

Now to the kitchen, where there may be Asiago calling my name.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Anonymous said...

Thanks alot!! Now that will be stuck in my head all day!!
Thanks for the visit to my blog, and the prayers, I am afraid that is what it is going to take, and lots of them.
Have you every grown sensitive plants (mimosa family),for your daycare kids? They love them, try them if you haven't already.

growingagardenindavis said...

Carol...it takes time but if you listen again it gets stuck worse. I'm studying Italian so I've listened a lot to try to translate and I think it's stuck permanently!
Annie...I'm with you on the asiago although right now I'm on a fresh mozzerella kick. I've been trying to make it with less than wonderful success. But the idea of tomatoes and basil from the garden and homemade mozzerella...!
Vonlafin...no I haven't grown sensitive plant...I'll be looking into that today! Thanks!