Last night when I went out to feed my rat (as in add kitchen scraps to the compost bin) I discovered that he (and I really hope it's not a she) has been trained. Of course we all know rats are smart in theory but now I have proof. First off, let me say that I have never put any meat or dairy or other scraps that supposedly might attract rats into my compost pile. Be that as it may I have more than once heard a thump as I opened the bin and also have had the pleasure of seeing the little guy run off down the fence. So I've gotten into the habit of kicking the side of the bin before I open it in hopes of scaring him away. However, it turns out that if you kick the bin on 20 or 30 occasions before dumping in some prime kitchen scraps (our ex-CSA box always had way too many bitter greens) the smart rat will learn that it is feeding time and pop up through the leaves to see what's on tonight's menu. He looked at me, twitching his nose, as if to say "What took so long?" And even though I told him in no uncertain terms that he had no business hanging around he stayed there, half buried, waiting to be served. So I dumped the bucket on the pile and covered it with leaves from my holding bin that were collected last fall.

Your description of the rat being "trained" by your banging made me laugh out loud :) I have the same trouble with my compost being too dry all the time to decompose quickly. I've got to get out there with my hose soon and give it a good soak.
LOL - the Wiggly team thought this was very funny - great post. I have pet rats too, although, judging by the tracks made between the compost heap and my wood shed I have a whole herd.
Your post today really made me laugh - I think I've got one or two lodgers in my compost too - so maybe I can get them trained as well!
Have a nice weekend! /Katarina
PS. There's an award for you at my place... /Katarina
I just found your blog via Roses and stuff, and I sure am glad I did. I loved the compost rat story. Maybe you need to borough a cat from some one that can help you compost the rat. ;-)
My dog is always trying to find our compost rat. I have two compost bins, side by side...guess I'd better post about them since a picture is worth a few words. :>)
I think you should name him Templeton (Charlotte's Web).
Amy...I'm terrible about the soaking...but I'm trying to get better!
Karen...I am a little worried he'll invite friends!
Katarina...I hope they're as easy to train as mine seemed to be!
Gintoino...I have at least 4 neighborhood cats that pass through...none of them seem to be helping :(
Garden Girl...my husband used to have pet rats in his classroom and they sometimes came to visit...I think I prefer the compost version!
Weeder1...I'm wondering if the rat moved in because my sweet dog left us in November and the coast is fairly clear.
Robin...Templeton is probably my favorite rat...although Ratatouille is a close second!
A rat in your compost bin?! OMG, I would freak and would even consider switching to a more contained and concealed worm bin. Do you have a cat to let outside to help scare him away? I have a compost bin but thankfully the most exciting thing I have seen inside that is alive is worms.
Are you sure it is not a vole? We have them here. And whether you put in meat or not doesn't matter-you said it well "Dinnertime", they like all table scraps!
Ha ha ha! I just did a search on "rats compost," and your post was in the top 5. What a coincidence, since we live in Davis, CA too. I think we need to get a cat or three, which will make my 2-year-old happy. Is the rat going to mess with our new garden, or will it stick to garbage??
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